Here is what I built for now... it works...but it feels like I am doing it the hard way. (Updated from initial post to fix an error)
cState='Error Reading Generator State'
# Default normal message text is: "threshold of ControlState restored: current value 0.00"
if (GenEvent.find("restored") >=0): cValue='0'
# Default error message text is: "threshold of ControlState exceeded: current value 2.00"
elif (GenEvent.find("exceeded") >=0): #delimit everything with periods tempMsg1=GenEvent.replace(' ','.') tempMsg2=tempMsg1.split('.') #grab the 2 from the message text string cValue=tempMsg2[6]
if cValue == '0': cState='Stopped'
if cValue == '1': cState='Start Pending'
if cValue == '2': cState='Warm-up at Idle'
if cValue == '3': cState='Running'
if cValue == '4': cState='Cool down at Rated'
if cValue == '5': cState='Cool down at Idle'
if cValue == '9': cState='Error Reading Data'
evt.summary='Generator State = %s' % (cState)