I have (and others around the office) noticed that the UI performance on this release has been very poor. Most pages take entirely too long to open up. Just opening up a log file from the daemons page can take over 15 seconds. After digging around, I noticed that the runzope process was consistently running at an average of 95% CPU utililization. As of writing this though, it looks like the python process has now taken it's place.
While trying to resolve this I went ahead and performed all documented performance tuning steps at http://wiki.zenoss.org/ZenOSS_Tuning to no avail. I have since then reverted back to my snapshot of no configuration changes just to be at a fresh slate. This is running on VM with 8 cores and 16GB of ram. Here is the output of top : http://pastebin.com/pXWdrpHS
Obviously runzope is no longer going crazy, but python is now. I'm at a loss as to what is causing this, or if these CPU hungry processes are the cause of the UI issues or not.
Thanks ahead of time for any assistance!