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Re: False Positive alerts on httpd monitoring


That gave a little more useful information. Is it a regex issue? I'm using the default for Apache.


[zenoss@na-den-zen-01 root]$ zenprocess run -v10 -d app-01 --showprocs --showrawtables

2013-06-05 15:31:51,803 DEBUG zen.zenprocess: Starting PBDaemon initialization

2013-06-05 15:31:51,804 INFO zen.zenprocess: Connecting to localhost:8789

2013-06-05 15:31:51,804 DEBUG zen.pbclientfactory: Starting connection...

2013-06-05 15:31:51,805 DEBUG zen.zenprocess: Logging in as admin

2013-06-05 15:31:51,805 DEBUG zen.pbclientfactory: Connected

2013-06-05 15:31:51,806 DEBUG zen.pbclientfactory: Cancelling connect timeout

2013-06-05 15:31:51,806 DEBUG zen.pbclientfactory: Sending credentials

2013-06-05 15:31:51,808 DEBUG zen.pbclientfactory: Cancelling connect timeout

2013-06-05 15:31:51,808 INFO zen.zenprocess: Connected to ZenHub

2013-06-05 15:31:51,808 DEBUG zen.zenprocess: Setting up initial services: EventService, Products.ZenHub.services.ProcessConfig

2013-06-05 15:31:51,808 DEBUG zen.zenprocess: Chaining getInitialServices with d2

2013-06-05 15:31:51,809 DEBUG zen.pbclientfactory: pinging perspective

2013-06-05 15:31:51,810 DEBUG zen.zenprocess: Loaded service EventService from zenhub

2013-06-05 15:31:51,811 DEBUG zen.zenprocess: Loaded service Products.ZenHub.services.ProcessConfig from zenhub

2013-06-05 15:31:51,811 DEBUG zen.zenprocess: Queued event (total of 1) {'rcvtime': 1370467911.811252, 'severity': 0, 'component': 'zenprocess', 'agent': 'zenprocess', 'summary': 'started', 'manager': 'na-den-zen-01.meetingonecorp.local', 'device': 'localhost', 'eventClass': '/App/Start', 'monitor': 'localhost'}

2013-06-05 15:31:51,811 DEBUG zen.zenprocess: Sending 1 events, 0 perf events, 0 heartbeats

2013-06-05 15:31:51,812 DEBUG zen.zenprocess: Calling connected.

2013-06-05 15:31:51,812 DEBUG zen.collector.config: Heartbeat timeout set to 540s

2013-06-05 15:31:51,812 DEBUG zen.collector.scheduler: add task configLoader, <Products.ZenCollector.config.ConfigurationLoaderTask object at 0x5c72a90> using 1200 second interval

2013-06-05 15:31:51,812 DEBUG zen.zenprocess: Performing periodic maintenance

2013-06-05 15:31:51,813 DEBUG zen.pbclientfactory: perspective ponged

2013-06-05 15:31:51,813 DEBUG zen.pbclientfactory: Cancelling ping timeout

2013-06-05 15:31:51,813 DEBUG zen.collector.scheduler: Task configLoader starting on 1200 second intervals

2013-06-05 15:31:51,813 DEBUG zen.collector.scheduler: Task configLoader changing state from IDLE to QUEUED

2013-06-05 15:31:51,814 DEBUG zen.collector.scheduler: Task configLoader changing state from QUEUED to RUNNING

2013-06-05 15:31:51,814 DEBUG zen.collector.config: configLoader gathering configuration

2013-06-05 15:31:51,815 DEBUG zen.collector.config: Fetching daemon configuration properties

2013-06-05 15:31:51,838 DEBUG zen.collector.scheduler: Task configLoader changing state from RUNNING to FETCHING_MISC_CONFIG

2013-06-05 15:31:51,839 DEBUG zen.zenprocess: Updated configCycleInterval preference to 360

2013-06-05 15:31:51,839 DEBUG zen.zenprocess: Changing config task interval from 20 to 360 minutes

2013-06-05 15:31:51,839 DEBUG zen.collector.scheduler: Stopping task configLoader, <Products.ZenCollector.config.ConfigurationLoaderTask object at 0x5c72a90>

2013-06-05 15:31:51,839 DEBUG zen.collector.scheduler: call finished LoopingCall<1200>(CallableTask: configLoader, *(), **{}) : LoopingCall<1200>(CallableTask: configLoader, *(), **{})

2013-06-05 15:31:51,839 INFO zen.collector.scheduler: Detailed Task Statistics:

configLoader Current State: FETCHING_MISC_CONFIG Successful_Runs: 1 Failed_Runs: 0 Missed_Runs: 0



Detailed Task States:

configLoader State: RUNNING Total: 1 Total Elapsed: 0.0243 Min: 0.0243 Max: 0.0243 Mean: 0.0243 StdDev: 0.0000

configLoader State: QUEUED Total: 1 Total Elapsed: 0.0013 Min: 0.0013 Max: 0.0013 Mean: 0.0013 StdDev: 0.0000





2013-06-05 15:31:51,839 DEBUG zen.collector.config: Heartbeat timeout set to 540s

2013-06-05 15:31:51,840 DEBUG zen.collector.scheduler: add task configLoader, <Products.ZenCollector.config.ConfigurationLoaderTask object at 0x5d42750> using 21600 second interval

2013-06-05 15:31:51,840 DEBUG zen.zenprocess: Updated defaultRRDCreateCommand preference to ('RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:600', 'RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:6:600', 'RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:24:600', 'RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:288:600', 'RRA:MAX:0.5:6:600', 'RRA:MAX:0.5:24:600', 'RRA:MAX:0.5:288:600')

2013-06-05 15:31:51,840 DEBUG zen.collector.config: Fetching threshold classes

2013-06-05 15:31:51,848 DEBUG zen.zenprocess: Loading classes ['Products.ZenModel.MinMaxThreshold', 'Products.ZenModel.ValueChangeThreshold']

2013-06-05 15:31:51,848 DEBUG zen.collector.config: Fetching collector thresholds

2013-06-05 15:31:51,856 DEBUG zen.thresholds: Updating threshold ('high event queue', ('localhost collector', ''))

2013-06-05 15:31:51,856 DEBUG zen.thresholds: Updating threshold ('zenmodeler cycle time', ('localhost collector', ''))

2013-06-05 15:31:51,856 DEBUG zen.collector.config: Fetching configurations

2013-06-05 15:31:51,878 DEBUG zen.zenprocess: updateDeviceConfigs: updatedConfigs=['app-01']

2013-06-05 15:31:51,878 DEBUG zen.zenprocess: Processing configuration for app-01

2013-06-05 15:31:51,879 DEBUG zen.zenprocess: ConfigListener: configuration app-01 added

2013-06-05 15:31:51,879 DEBUG zen.collector.tasks: splitting config DeviceProxy:app-01

2013-06-05 15:31:51,880 DEBUG zen.zenprocess: Tasks for config app-01: {'app-01': <__main__.ZenProcessTask object at 0x5dd0750>}

2013-06-05 15:31:51,880 DEBUG zen.collector.scheduler: add task app-01, <__main__.ZenProcessTask object at 0x5dd0750> using 180 second interval

2013-06-05 15:31:51,880 DEBUG zen.collector.scheduler: Task app-01 starting on 180 second intervals

2013-06-05 15:31:51,880 DEBUG zen.collector.scheduler: Task app-01 changing state from IDLE to QUEUED

2013-06-05 15:31:51,880 DEBUG zen.zenprocess: purgeOmittedDevices: deletedConfigs=

2013-06-05 15:31:51,881 DEBUG zen.collector.scheduler: Task configLoader finished, result: 'Configuration loaded'

2013-06-05 15:31:51,881 DEBUG zen.collector.scheduler: Task app-01 changing state from QUEUED to RUNNING

2013-06-05 15:31:51,881 DEBUG zen.collector.scheduler: Task app-01 changing state from RUNNING to CONNECTING

2013-06-05 15:31:51,882 DEBUG zen.twistedsnmp: AgentProxy._getCmdLineArgs: using google ipaddr on

2013-06-05 15:31:51,920 DEBUG zen.zenprocess: Opened proxy to app-01 []

2013-06-05 15:31:51,920 DEBUG zen.zenprocess: Scanning for processes from app-01 []

2013-06-05 15:31:51,920 DEBUG zen.collector.scheduler: Task app-01 changing state from CONNECTING to SCANNING_PROCESSES

2013-06-05 15:31:51,972 DEBUG zen.zenprocess: Queued event (total of 1) {'rcvtime': 1370467911.972474, 'monitor': 'localhost', 'agent': 'zenprocess', 'summary': 'Process table up for device app-01 - timeout cleared', 'manager': 'na-den-zen-01.meetingonecorp.local', 'eventGroup': 'Process', 'eventKey': 'table_scan_timeout', 'device': 'app-01', 'eventClass': '/Status/Snmp', 'severity': 0}

2013-06-05 15:31:51,972 DEBUG zen.collector.scheduler: Task app-01 changing state from SCANNING_PROCESSES to PARSING_TABLE_DATA

2013-06-05 15:31:51,973 INFO zen.zenprocess: NAMETABLE = {'.': 'tomcat6.exe', '.': 'msdtc.exe', '.': 'inetinfo.exe', '.': 'k2index.exe', '.': 'jrun.exe', '.': 'controld.exe', '.': 'snmp.exe', '.': 'solr.exe', '.': 'cdm.exe', '.': 'net_traffic.exe', '.': 'svchost.exe', '.': 'csrss.exe', '.': 'wmiprvse.exe', '.': 'controller.exe', '.': 'svchost.exe', '.': 'ntperf.exe', '.': 'NTRtScan.exe', '.': 'svchost.exe', '.': 'TmListen.exe', '.': 'webblocker.exe', '.': 'cbService.exe', '.': 'wmiprvse.exe', '.': 'CFDotNetsvc.exe', '.': 'dllhost.exe', '.': 'svchost.exe', '.': 'swagent.exe', '.': 'smss.exe', '.': 'httpd.exe', '.': 'jrunsvc.exe', '.': 'processes.exe', '.': 'jqs.exe', '.': 'nimbus.exe', '.': 'k2server.exe', '.': 'svchost.exe', '.': 'svchost.exe', '.': 'vssvc.exe', '.': 'svchost.exe', '.': 'vmtoolsd.exe', '.': 'logon.scr', '.': 'svchost.exe', '.': 'cbVSCService11.exe', '.': 'k2admin.exe', '.': 'System Idle Process', '.': 'hdb.exe', '.': 'swsoc.exe', '.': 'System', '.': 'appservService.exe', '.': 'vmacthlp.exe', '.': 'spoolsv.exe', '.': 'services.exe', '.': 'winlogon.exe', '.': 'spooler.exe', '.': 'ntevl.exe', '.': 'svchost.exe', '.': 'JNBDotNetSide.exe', '.': 'httpd.exe', '.': 'svchost.exe', '.': 'java.exe', '.': 'java.exe', '.': 'svchost.exe', '.': 'CNTAoSMgr.exe', '.': 'lsass.exe', '.': 'VMUpgradeHelper.exe', '.': 'swstrtr.exe'}

2013-06-05 15:31:51,974 INFO zen.zenprocess: PATHTABLE = {'.': 'C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\', '.': 'C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\', '.': '', '.': 'C:\\Program Files\\Trend Micro\\OfficeScan Client\\', '.': 'C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\', '.': '', '.': 'D:\\ColdFusion9\\db\\slserver54\\bin\\', '.': 'C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\', '.': 'C:\\Program Files\\Apache Software Foundation\\Apache2.2\\bin\\', '.': 'D:\\ColdFusion9\\runtime\\bin\\', '.': 'C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\', '.': '', '.': 'D:\\ColdFusion9\\verity\\k2\\_nti40\\bin\\', '.': '', '.': 'C:\\Program Files\\Cobian Backup 11\\', '.': 'C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\inetsrv\\', '.': 'D:\\ColdFusion9\\verity\\k2\\_nti40\\bin\\', '.': 'D:\\ColdFusion9\\solr\\', '.': 'D:\\apache-tomcat-6.0.26\\bin\\', '.': '', '.': 'C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\wbem\\', '.': '', '.': '', '.': 'C:\\Program Files\\Apache Software Foundation\\Apache2.2\\bin\\', '.': '', '.': 'C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\', '.': '', '.': '', '.': 'D:\\ColdFusion9\\verity\\k2\\_nti40\\bin\\', '.': '', '.': '', '.': 'C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\', '.': '', '.': 'C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\', '.': '', '.': '', '.': 'C:\\Program Files\\VMware\\VMware Tools\\', '.': 'C:\\Program Files\\VMware\\VMware Tools\\', '.': 'C:\\Program Files\\Trend Micro\\OfficeScan Client\\', '.': '', '.': 'D:\\ColdFusion9\\db\\slserver54\\bin\\', '.': '', '.': 'D:\\ColdFusion9\\runtime\\jre\\bin\\', '.': '', '.': 'C:\\Program Files\\WatchGuard\\', '.': 'D:\\ColdFusion9\\jnbridge\\', '.': '', '.': 'C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\', '.': 'C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\', '.': 'C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\', '.': 'C:\\Program Files\\WatchGuard\\', '.': 'C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\', '.': '', '.': '\\SystemRoot\\System32\\', '.': 'C:\\Program Files\\Trend Micro\\OfficeScan Client\\', '.': 'C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\', '.': 'D:\\glassfish\\lib\\', '.': 'C:\\Program Files\\VMware\\VMware Tools\\', '.': 'C:\\Program Files\\Cobian Backup 11\\', '.': 'C:\\Program Files\\NimBUS\\bin\\', '.': 'D:\\ColdFusion9\\jnbridge\\', '.': 'C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jre6\\bin\\', '.': 'C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\', '.': 'D:\\ColdFusion9\\db\\slserver54\\bin\\'}

2013-06-05 15:31:51,974 INFO zen.zenprocess: ARGSTABLE = {'.': '"ColdFusion 9 ODBC Server"', '.': '-nohup -ntservice "ColdFusion 9 Application Server-StartEvent" -startByNTService "coldfusion"', '.': '/Processid:{02D4B3F1-FD88-11D1-960D-00805FC79235}', '.': '"ColdFusion 9 ODBC Server"', '.': '', '.': '', '.': '-k swprv', '.': '"ColdFusion 9 ODBC Agent"', '.': '', '.': '', '.': '', '.': '', '.': '-k WinErr', '.': '//RS//Tomcat6', '.': '-k termsvcs', '.': '', '.': ' -k runservice', '.': '-zglaxservice CF9Solr', '.': '', '.': '', '.': '', '.': ' /service', '.': '', '.': '', '.': '"\\"D:\\glassfish\\bin\\asadmin.bat\\" start-domain --user admin domain1" "\\"D:\\glassfish\\bin\\asadmin.bat\\" stop-domain domain1\\"', '.': ' -cfg "D:\\ColdFusion9\\verity\\k2\\common\\verity.cfg" -ntstart 1', '.': '/s', '.': '', '.': '', '.': '', '.': '', '.': '', '.': '', '.': '', '.': '-k tapisrv', '.': '', '.': ' -ualias ColdFusionK2_indexserver1', '.': ' -d "C:/Program Files/Apache Software Foundation/Apache2.2" -f "C:\\Program Files\\Apache Software Foundation\\Apache2.2\\conf\\httpd', '.': '', '.': '', '.': '-k netsvcs', '.': '', '.': '', '.': '', '.': '', '.': '', '.': '', '.': '', '.': '', '.': '', '.': ' -server -Xmx256m -XX:+AggressiveOpts -XX:+ScavengeBeforeFullGC -XX:-UseParallelGC -DSTOP.PORT=8079 -DSTOP.KEY=cfstop -Dsolr.sol', '.': '', '.': '', '.': ' -ualias ColdFusionK2_server1', '.': '', '.': '', '.': '-k DcomLaunch', '.': '', '.': 'ObjectDirectory=\\Windows SharedSection=1024,3072,512 Windows=On SubSystemType=Windows ServerDll=basesrv,1 ServerDll=winsrv:UserS', '.': '', '.': '', '.': ' -service -config "C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jre6\\lib\\deploy\\jqs\\jqs.conf"', '.': '', '.': '-k iissvcs'}

2013-06-05 15:31:51,976 INFO zen.zenprocess: #===== Processes on app-01:

1 System Idle Process

4 System

360 smss.exe

368 cbService.exe

412 csrss.exe ObjectDirectory=\Windows SharedSection=1024,3072,512 Windows=On SubSystemType=Windows ServerDll=basesrv,1 ServerDll=winsrv:UserS

436 winlogon.exe

484 services.exe

496 lsass.exe

684 vmacthlp.exe

740 svchost.exe -k DcomLaunch

792 svchost.exe

844 svchost.exe

888 svchost.exe

916 svchost.exe -k netsvcs

1004 spoolsv.exe

1112 msdtc.exe

1212 httpd.exe -k runservice

1276 solr.exe -zglaxservice CF9Solr

1292 CFDotNetsvc.exe

1300 java.exe

1304 JNBDotNetSide.exe

1316 jrunsvc.exe

1324 java.exe -server -Xmx256m -XX:+AggressiveOpts -XX:+ScavengeBeforeFullGC -XX:-UseParallelGC -DSTOP.PORT=8079 -DSTOP.KEY=cfstop -Dsolr.sol

1376 jrun.exe -nohup -ntservice "ColdFusion 9 Application Server-StartEvent" -startByNTService "coldfusion"

1384 httpd.exe -d "C:/Program Files/Apache Software Foundation/Apache2.2" -f "C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\conf\httpd

1392 swagent.exe "ColdFusion 9 ODBC Agent"

1684 swstrtr.exe "ColdFusion 9 ODBC Server"

1692 swsoc.exe "ColdFusion 9 ODBC Server"

1736 k2admin.exe -cfg "D:\ColdFusion9\verity\k2\common\verity.cfg" -ntstart 1

1896 svchost.exe -k WinErr

1928 appservService.exe "\"D:\glassfish\bin\asadmin.bat\" start-domain --user admin domain1" "\"D:\glassfish\bin\asadmin.bat\" stop-domain domain1\"

2176 inetinfo.exe

2216 jqs.exe -service -config "C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\lib\deploy\jqs\jqs.conf"

2272 nimbus.exe

2292 controller.exe

2296 NTRtScan.exe

2544 svchost.exe

2572 snmp.exe

2648 tomcat6.exe //RS//Tomcat6

2676 vmtoolsd.exe

2696 spooler.exe

2748 controld.exe

2816 hdb.exe

2888 k2server.exe -ualias ColdFusionK2_server1

2956 ntevl.exe

3088 k2index.exe -ualias ColdFusionK2_indexserver1

3108 webblocker.exe

3180 processes.exe

3188 svchost.exe -k iissvcs

3232 TmListen.exe

3676 net_traffic.exe

3704 VMUpgradeHelper.exe /service

3796 ntperf.exe

4028 cbVSCService11.exe

4072 cdm.exe

4372 CNTAoSMgr.exe

4468 svchost.exe -k swprv

4496 wmiprvse.exe

4548 wmiprvse.exe

4696 svchost.exe -k tapisrv

5020 logon.scr /s

5504 svchost.exe -k termsvcs

5720 dllhost.exe /Processid:{02D4B3F1-FD88-11D1-960D-00805FC79235}

6728 vssvc.exe



2013-06-05 15:31:51,976 DEBUG zen.zenprocess: Queued event (total of 2) {'rcvtime': 1370467911.976456, 'monitor': 'localhost', 'agent': 'zenprocess', 'summary': 'Process table up for device app-01', 'manager': 'na-den-zen-01.meetingonecorp.local', 'eventGroup': 'Process', 'eventKey': 'resource_mib', 'device': 'app-01', 'eventClass': '/Status/Snmp', 'severity': 0}

2013-06-05 15:31:51,978 DEBUG zen.zenprocess: Found process 1384 on httpd.exe af5f979fd45fdd80441276b75378f2db

2013-06-05 15:31:51,978 DEBUG zen.zenprocess: Found process 1212 on httpd.exe af5f979fd45fdd80441276b75378f2db

2013-06-05 15:31:51,979 DEBUG zen.zenprocess: Queued event (total of 3) {'rcvtime': 1370467911.979207, 'monitor': 'localhost', 'component': 'httpd.exe', 'agent': 'zenprocess', 'summary': 'Process up: httpd.exe', 'manager': 'na-den-zen-01.meetingonecorp.local', 'eventGroup': 'Process', 'eventKey': '/Processes/Apache/osProcessClasses/httpd', 'device': 'app-01', 'eventClass': '/Status/OSProcess', 'message': "Process up: httpd.exe\n Using regex '^[^ ]*httpd[^ /]*( |$)' with pid's [1384, 1212] ", 'severity': 0}

2013-06-05 15:31:51,979 DEBUG zen.zenprocess: (app-01) Process up: httpd.exe

Using regex '^[^ ]*httpd[^ /]*( |$)' with pid's [1384, 1212]

2013-06-05 15:31:51,979 DEBUG zen.zenprocess: Found new httpd.exe httpd.exe af5f979fd45fdd80441276b75378f2db pid 1384 on app-01

2013-06-05 15:31:51,979 DEBUG zen.zenprocess: Found new httpd.exe httpd.exe af5f979fd45fdd80441276b75378f2db pid 1212 on app-01

2013-06-05 15:31:51,980 DEBUG zen.zenprocess: Queued event (total of 4) {'rcvtime': 1370467911.98012, 'monitor': 'localhost', 'component': 'httpd.exe', 'agent': 'zenprocess', 'summary': 'Process not running: httpd.exe', 'manager': 'na-den-zen-01.meetingonecorp.local', 'eventGroup': 'Process', 'eventKey': '/Processes/Apache/osProcessClasses/httpd', 'device': 'app-01', 'eventClass': '/Status/OSProcess', 'message': "Process not running: httpd.exe\n   Using regex '^[^ ]*httpd[^ /]*( |$)' \n   All Processes have stopped since the last model occurred. Last Modification time (2013/06/05 12:52:29)", 'severity': 4}

2013-06-05 15:31:51,980 WARNING zen.zenprocess: (app-01) Process not running: httpd.exe

   Using regex '^[^ ]*httpd[^ /]*( |$)'

   All Processes have stopped since the last model occurred. Last Modification time (2013/06/05 12:52:29)

2013-06-05 15:31:51,981 DEBUG zen.RRDUtil: /opt/zenoss/perf/Devices/app-01/os/processes/httpd.exe 3ac26244af1a29c6ca9ee1e8cb5240c4/count_count.rrd: 0.0, @ N

2013-06-05 15:31:51,982 DEBUG zen.RRDUtil: /opt/zenoss/perf/Devices/app-01/os/processes/httpd.exe af5f979fd45fdd80441276b75378f2db/count_count.rrd: 2.0, @ N

2013-06-05 15:31:51,982 DEBUG zen.zenprocess: Queued event (total of 5) {'rcvtime': 1370467911.982584, 'monitor': 'localhost', 'agent': 'zenprocess', 'summary': 'Process table up for device app-01', 'manager': 'na-den-zen-01.meetingonecorp.local', 'eventGroup': 'Process', 'eventKey': None, 'device': 'app-01', 'eventClass': '/Status/Snmp', 'severity': 0}

2013-06-05 15:31:51,983 DEBUG zen.collector.scheduler: Task app-01 changing state from PARSING_TABLE_DATA to FETCH_PERF_DATA

2013-06-05 15:31:51,983 DEBUG zen.zenprocess: app-01 fetching oid(s) ['.', '.', '.', '.']

2013-06-05 15:31:51,986 DEBUG zen.collector.scheduler: Task app-01 changing state from FETCH_PERF_DATA to STORE_PERF_DATA

2013-06-05 15:31:51,986 DEBUG zen.zenprocess: There are 2 pids by the name httpd.exe af5f979fd45fdd80441276b75378f2db - httpd.exe

2013-06-05 15:31:51,987 DEBUG zen.RRDUtil: /opt/zenoss/perf/Devices/app-01/os/processes/httpd.exe af5f979fd45fdd80441276b75378f2db/cpu_cpu.rrd: 0L, @ N

2013-06-05 15:31:51,987 DEBUG zen.RRDUtil: /opt/zenoss/perf/Devices/app-01/os/processes/httpd.exe af5f979fd45fdd80441276b75378f2db/mem_mem.rrd: 35942400.0, @ N

2013-06-05 15:31:51,988 DEBUG zen.zenprocess: Device app-01 [] scanned successfully

2013-06-05 15:31:51,988 DEBUG zen.collector.scheduler: Task app-01 finished, result: None

2013-06-05 15:31:51,989 DEBUG zen.collector.scheduler: Task app-01 changing state from STORE_PERF_DATA to IDLE

2013-06-05 15:31:51,989 INFO zen.zenprocess: 1 devices processed (4 datapoints)

2013-06-05 15:31:51,989 INFO zen.collector.scheduler: Tasks: 2 Successful_Runs: 1 Failed_Runs: 0 Missed_Runs: 0 Queued_Tasks: 0 Running_Tasks: 1

2013-06-05 15:31:51,989 DEBUG zen.collector.scheduler: In shutdown stage before

2013-06-05 15:31:51,990 DEBUG zen.collector.scheduler: Stopping running task app-01

2013-06-05 15:31:51,990 DEBUG zen.collector.scheduler: call finished LoopingCall<180>(CallableTask: app-01, *(), **{}) : LoopingCall<180>(CallableTask: app-01, *(), **{})

2013-06-05 15:31:51,990 DEBUG zen.collector.scheduler: Removing task app-01

2013-06-05 15:31:51,990 DEBUG zen.collector.scheduler: Removing task configLoader

2013-06-05 15:31:51,990 DEBUG zen.collector.scheduler: tasks to clean set([<Products.ZenCollector.config.ConfigurationLoaderTask object at 0x5c72a90>, <__main__.ZenProcessTask object at 0x5dd0750>, <Products.ZenCollector.config.ConfigurationLoaderTask object at 0x5d42750>])

2013-06-05 15:31:51,991 DEBUG zen.collector.scheduler: Cleanup on task configLoader <Products.ZenCollector.config.ConfigurationLoaderTask object at 0x5c72a90>

2013-06-05 15:31:51,991 DEBUG zen.collector.scheduler: Scheduler._cleanupTaskComplete: result=None task.name=configLoader

2013-06-05 15:31:51,991 DEBUG zen.collector.scheduler: Cleanup on task app-01 <__main__.ZenProcessTask object at 0x5dd0750>

2013-06-05 15:31:51,991 DEBUG zen.collector.scheduler: Scheduler._cleanupTaskComplete: result=None task.name=app-01

2013-06-05 15:31:51,991 DEBUG zen.collector.scheduler: Cleanup on task configLoader <Products.ZenCollector.config.ConfigurationLoaderTask object at 0x5d42750>

2013-06-05 15:31:51,992 DEBUG zen.collector.scheduler: Scheduler._cleanupTaskComplete: result=None task.name=configLoader

2013-06-05 15:31:51,992 DEBUG zen.zenprocess: Tried to stop reactor that was stopped

2013-06-05 15:31:51,992 INFO zen.zenprocess: Daemon CollectorDaemon shutting down

2013-06-05 15:31:51,993 DEBUG zen.zenprocess: Sending 5 events, 0 perf events, 0 heartbeats

2013-06-05 15:31:52,029 DEBUG zen.zenprocess: Removing service EventService

2013-06-05 15:31:52,030 DEBUG zen.zenprocess: Removing service Products.ZenHub.services.ProcessConfig

2013-06-05 15:31:52,030 DEBUG zen.pbclientfactory: Lost connection to - [Failure instance: Traceback (failure with no frames): <class 'twisted.internet.error.ConnectionLost'>: Connection to the other side was lost in a non-clean fashion: Connection lost.


2013-06-05 15:31:52,031 DEBUG zen.collector.scheduler: In shutdown stage during

2013-06-05 15:31:52,031 DEBUG zen.collector.scheduler: In shutdown stage after

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