Now this is becoming a much bigger issue!
I'm attempting to upgrade from 3.2.1 to 4.2.4 and it's failing on the orphan device components (Harddisk and Processors). The upgrade requires that all non-zenoss core Zenpacks be deleted. This is why I moved all the devices from the "/CIM/WMI" to "/ping" device class so they wouldn't be deleted when I deleted the zenpacks. I then deleted the user zenpacks (WMIPerf zenpacks). But the WMIPerf components are still associated to the devices (Harddisk and Processors components). When I open one of the devices and select the components via the Zenoss interface, I get the same error in a popup that the migration tool get's when it fails.
TypeError: ('Could not adapt', <persistent broken instance '\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00!5\xb7'>, <InterfaceClass Products.ZenUtils.guid.interfaces.IGlobalIdentifier>)
Any idea how I can get rid of these components. There are too many devices to do this manually. And the remodel does not do it. I'm also concerned that there are other orphan objects I don't know about.
Please help!!!