I'm trying to add a new IpService to our Zenoss Core 4.2.4 install (autodeploy on centos 6.4).
I have added a service organizer named Splunk, under this I have added a service (splunk-web) which has the following attributes:
Name: splunk-web
Port: 8000
Service keys: splunk-web
zMonitor: No
zFailSeverity: Error
I have checked with 'nc -vz <device> 8000' from my zenoss server which says connected successfully (so fw is not an issue). I have tested via snmpwalk that the port is listed:
TCP-MIB::tcpConnState. = INTEGER: listen(2)
TCP-MIB::tcpConnLocalAddress. = IpAddress:
TCP-MIB::tcpConnLocalPort. = INTEGER: 8000
TCP-MIB::tcpConnRemAddress. = IpAddress:
TCP-MIB::tcpConnRemPort. = INTEGER: 0
TCP-MIB::tcpListenerProcess.ipv4."".8000 = Gauge32: 0
But when I do a remodel of my device, then it doesn't discover this new service. I have tried to restart zenoss but this doesn't help.