I didn't change the hostname after i installed the rabbitmq.
No,it show nothing in my events console.
I just generated a event by 'zensendevnet' command , but still can't find any event in my events console. The logs like below:
test command: /opt/zenoss/bin/zensendevent -v -i -s Info -c /Status/Ping --auth=admin:zenoss "ip is down"
2013-05-08 18:41:52,914 DEBUG zen.ZenHub: worklist has 1 items
2013-05-08 18:41:52,915 DEBUG zen.ZenHub: get candidate workers for sendEvents...
2013-05-08 18:41:52,915 DEBUG zen.ZenHub: candidate workers are [0, 1]
2013-05-08 18:41:52,915 DEBUG zen.ZenHub: Giving sendEvents to worker 0, (localhost:Products.ZenHub.services.EventService.sendEvents)
2013-05-08 18:41:52,919 DEBUG zen.ZenHub: worker 0, work localhost:Products.ZenHub.services.EventService.sendEvents finished in 0.00407791137695
2013-05-08 18:42:02,830 DEBUG zen.Events: =============== incoming event ===============
2013-05-08 18:42:02,831 DEBUG zen.queuepublisher: About to publish this event to the raw event queue:uuid: "8986278c-b7c3-11e2-a7bf-003048d46f86"
created_time: 1368006122831
event_class: "/Status/Ping"
actor {
element_type_id: DEVICE
element_identifier: "myhost.int"
summary: "ip is down"
event_key: ""
monitor: "localhost"
details {
name: "zenoss.device.ip_address"
value: ""
first_seen_time: 1368006122831
, with this routing key: zenoss.zenevent.status.ping
2013-05-08 18:42:02,834 DEBUG zen.zenoss.protocols.amqp: Connecting to RabbitMQ...
2013-05-08 18:42:02,835 DEBUG zen.protocols: Creating exchange: zenoss.zenevents.raw
2013-05-08 18:42:02,835 DEBUG zen.zenoss.protocols.amqp: Publishing with routing key zenoss.zenevent.status.ping to exchange zenoss.zenevents.raw
2013-05-08 18:42:02,836 INFO zen.ZenHub.twisted: None - - [08/May/2013:09:42:02 +0000] "POST /RPC2 HTTP/1.1" 200 162 "-" "xmlrpclib.py/1.0.1 (by www.pythonware.com)"
no log in zenactiond.log or other log files
still nothing in the rabbitmq queues and the zenoss_zep database:
[root@myhost log]# rabbitmqctl list_queues -p /zenoss
Listing queues ...
celery 0
zenoss.queues.zep.modelchange 0
zenoss.queues.zep.migrated.summary 0
zenoss.queues.zep.heartbeats 0
zenoss.queues.zep.zenevents 0
inf017.tyo02.ett.celeryd.pidbox 0
zenoss.queues.zep.migrated.archive 0
Some mysql errors was found in mysql.log like below. The errors happen every morning :
130508 7:02:30 [Warning] InnoDB could not find index DelInx1 key no 0 for table tmp/#sql5bbf_3e8a_2d through its index translation table
130508 7:41:08 [Warning] InnoDB could not find index DelInx1 key no 0 for table tmp/#sql5bbf_3e8a_2f through its index translation table
130508 7:43:49 [Warning] InnoDB could not find index DelInx1 key no 0 for table tmp/#sql5bbf_3e8a_31 through its index translation table
130508 7:48:05 [Warning] InnoDB could not find index DelInx1 key no 0 for table tmp/#sql5bbf_3e8a_33 through its index translation table
130508 7:52:20 [Warning] InnoDB could not find index DelInx1 key no 0 for table tmp/#sql5bbf_3e8a_35 through its index translation table
130508 7:56:30 [Warning] InnoDB could not find index DelInx1 key no 0 for table tmp/#sql5bbf_3e8a_37 through its index translation table
130508 7:57:49 [Warning] InnoDB could not find index DelInx1 key no 0 for table tmp/#sql5bbf_3e8a_39 through its index translation table
130508 7:59:25 [Warning] InnoDB could not find index DelInx1 key no 0 for table tmp/#sql5bbf_3e8a_3b through its index translation table
130508 8:00:55 [Warning] InnoDB could not find index DelInx1 key no 0 for table tmp/#sql5bbf_3e8a_3d through its index translation table
130508 8:02:16 [Warning] InnoDB could not find index DelInx1 key no 0 for table tmp/#sql5bbf_3e8a_3f through its index translation table
130508 8:05:12 [Warning] InnoDB could not find index DelInx1 key no 0 for table tmp/#sql5bbf_3e8a_41 through its index translation table
130508 8:08:19 [Warning] InnoDB could not find index DelInx1 key no 0 for table tmp/#sql5bbf_3e8a_43 through its index translation table
130508 8:13:06 [Warning] InnoDB could not find index DelInx1 key no 0 for table tmp/#sql5bbf_3e8a_45 through its index translation table
130508 8:17:31 [Warning] InnoDB could not find index DelInx1 key no 0 for table tmp/#sql5bbf_3e8a_47 through its index translation table
130508 8:21:51 [Warning] InnoDB could not find index DelInx1 key no 0 for table tmp/#sql5bbf_3e8a_49 through its index translation table
130508 8:26:04 [Warning] InnoDB could not find index DelInx1 key no 0 for table tmp/#sql5bbf_3e8a_4b through its index translation table
130508 8:30:32 [Warning] InnoDB could not find index DelInx1 key no 0 for table tmp/#sql5bbf_3e8a_4d through its index translation table
130508 8:31:13 [Warning] InnoDB could not find index DelInx1 key no 0 for table tmp/#sql5bbf_3e8a_4f through its index translation table
130508 8:38:03 [Warning] InnoDB could not find index DelInx1 key no 0 for table tmp/#sql5bbf_3e8a_51 through its index translation table
130508 8:43:04 [Warning] InnoDB could not find index DelInx1 key no 0 for table tmp/#sql5bbf_3e8a_53 through its index translation table
130508 8:48:12 [Warning] InnoDB could not find index DelInx1 key no 0 for table tmp/#sql5bbf_3e8a_55 through its index translation table
130508 8:53:29 [Warning] InnoDB could not find index DelInx1 key no 0 for table tmp/#sql5bbf_3e8a_57 through its index translation table
130508 8:55:28 [Warning] InnoDB could not find index DelInx1 key no 0 for table tmp/#sql5bbf_3e8a_59 through its index translation table
130508 9:01:02 [Warning] InnoDB could not find index DelInx1 key no 0 for table tmp/#sql5bbf_3e8a_5b through its index translation table
130508 9:06:26 [Warning] InnoDB could not find index DelInx1 key no 0 for table tmp/#sql5bbf_3e8a_5d through its index translation table
130508 9:10:18 [Warning] InnoDB could not find index DelInx1 key no 0 for table tmp/#sql5bbf_3e8a_5f through its index translation table
130508 9:15:39 [Warning] InnoDB could not find index DelInx1 key no 0 for table tmp/#sql5bbf_3e8a_61 through its index translation table
130508 9:19:25 [Warning] InnoDB could not find index DelInx1 key no 0 for table tmp/#sql5bbf_3e8a_63 through its index translation table
130508 9:20:21 [Warning] InnoDB could not find index DelInx1 key no 0 for table tmp/#sql5bbf_3e8a_65 through its index translation table
130508 9:26:48 [Warning] InnoDB could not find index DelInx1 key no 0 for table tmp/#sql5bbf_3e8a_67 through its index translation table
130508 9:57:42 [Warning] InnoDB could not find index DelInx1 key no 0 for table tmp/#sql5bbf_3e8a_69 through its index translation table